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5 Things That  Can Make Your Presentation More Persuasive ,Entertaining and Informative

5 Things That Can Make Your Presentation More Persuasive ,Entertaining and Informative

Here are a few suggestions for the types of materials you might incorporate into your presentation to make it more persuasive, entertaining, and informative, but don’t limit yourself to these. Be creative. Stockpile anything that might give your talk a little zing, even if right now you do not know exactly how you will use it. 

1. Personal stories. Everyone loves a juicy story—the juicier, the better . The best speakers are typically masterful storytellers. They capitalize on this skill in their presentations. Why? Because a compelling story will rivet an audience and make any message unforgettable. Tell them a tale, and they will lend you their ears (or something like that).

2. Examples. Let’s face it: some material is so darn complex or abstract that it baffles even the most intellectual audience. Examples can clarify the complex or abstract. They can make minute details understandable. An example should make the idea easier to grasp I hope. The point: use examples to make obscure, complex, or abstract points clear.

3. Quotations. Relevant quotations enliven your message and enhance your credibility, particularly if the source of the quotation is a well-known and respected figure, such as Mohandas Gandhi, Rosa Parks, or Theodore Roosevelt . On the other hand, a quote from “Jack" the tollbooth operator” or from “Bart Simpson,” although interesting and perhaps entertaining, will have little persuasive impact (sorry, Bart). The quote must be relevant to your point and from a recognizable and credible figure.

4. Comparisons and contrasts. To clarify your points, compare and contrast situations and positions. Apt comparisons make your topic more understandable and persuasive. Contrasts can help listeners distinguish between alternative positions. Politicians often draw a stark contrast between themselves and their opponents: “My opponent trusts big government. I trust you.”  To be effective, however, contrasts must be clear and accurate. If they are confusing, exaggerated, or misleading, they are seldom helpful.

5. Statistics. Statistics are a double-edged sword. The line between statistics that enlighten and those that confound is incredibly fine. Your statistics must be simple and understandable. If your statistics are complex and confusing, or if you overuse them, they quickly become a liability. You will bog your listeners down in the swampy wasteland of incomprehensible complexity. Many accountants and computer geeks live in that treacherous land of complex statistics and speak its occult language; you, however, should stay away from there when you speak.

A speech consisting solely of your impressions and opinions is seldom as valuable or as persuasive as one that is grounded in concrete, clear facts

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