How To Improve The Performance of Your Organisation
There are five fundamentals process that can help define your organization’s path from square one –– where you are today — to greater prosperity and effectiveness:
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1. Differentiation. Deliver a competence that creates a differentiation so clear that your customers consistently choose you over your competition.
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2. Tangible Value. Your organization must consistently reinforce the tangible value, in dollars, that your competence delivers to current and prospective customers.
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3. Talent Management. Implement a talent management system that enables your organization to identify, select, develop and retain the talent and skill sets necessary to execute and deliver your competence and plan.
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4. Department/Tactical Plans. Develop and execute action plans to work “on” the business in each department of your organization rather than simply working “in” the business with regular daily duties.
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5. Plan Execution. Implement a plan execution program to ensure an organizational culture of discipline and accountability.