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Leadership Training:How To  Improve Employee Engagement By Making Immediate Positive Impact

Leadership Training:How To Improve Employee Engagement By Making Immediate Positive Impact

Are new you new in your role or job? Do you want to know how you can start making an immediate impact in your new role? Here are eight ways to make immediate impact

1. If you are instinctively impatient,ensure that this does not rub your new colleagues the wrong way by picking a roadblock that everyone agrees on and volunteer to be the one to tackle it.

2.Initially, because you are so action focused, people will wonder what your agenda is. To stop their wondering, be explicit with your teammates about it. Tell them your agenda.

3.Look for ways to measure your results. You will be energized by the “proof” of whether you’re ahead or behind. You are always at your best when you know exactly where you stand.

4.Whenever you succeed in making something happen, be deliberate in thanking people for their help. If you don’t do this, they may come to feel as though they are merely instruments in your plan of action. 

5.Start by taking the temperature of your team.

6.If you have an excellent sense of the institution you are joining — as in who is in relationship with whom, who are the heroes, what are the war stories —  feed this sense by listening and watching closely.

7.Get to know the troublemakers first because in their minds they are misunderstood. You should have a gift for allowing people to have their say and holding what they say without either criticizing it or condoning it. You just take it on. And this “taking on” lets them move out from their defensive mode and into a healthier, more productive frame of mind.

8.If there are no troublemakers on the team, start with those who need the most help. How can you help them? If you’re not the one to help, then can you secure the resources they need?  

Leadership Training: Tactics Required To Implement Change Management Process

Leadership Training: Tactics Required To Implement Change Management Process

Leadership Training:How To Take Your Creativity And Expertise To The Next Level

Leadership Training:How To Take Your Creativity And Expertise To The Next Level