Blindspots are often found in close proximity to a lead- er’s strengths. As a result, they can reappear over time as a leader does what he or she does best
Blindspots are often found in close proximity to a lead- er’s strengths. As a result, they can reappear over time as a leader does what he or she does best
Business writing is about clarity, brevity and attention-grabbing rhetoric. Regardless of whether you’re writing a work email or marketing copy for an advertising campaign, your goals should be to communicate your point succinctly, take your reader’s perspective into consideration and adhere to a tight structure.
Modern organizations need to change. Most of them are running on Legacy OS – a corporate operating system inherited from nineteenth-century factories. A better approach is to reduce control – to model organizations on roundabouts rather than traffic signals.
The modern world is addicted to being busy, but taking a break will improve your creativity, your relationships, and your gratitude. So escape from the daily grind for however long you can, and see what a difference a pause makes.
In the “olden” days, first-level leaders had multiple managers above them who had steadily climbed the leadership ladder, accumulating experience along the way. Junior managers could draw on their expertise for mentorship and feedback. But today, most of those layers are gone, often leaving first-level leaders without sufficient resources or support.
Never underestimate the importance of a business’s culture. Examples past and present show that culture should be much more than just a list of values pinned to the wall: it should be a set of virtues that underpins everything your business does. That’s because it’s our actions – what we do, not what we say or feel – that define who we are.