All in Leadership

Power Of Teams: Examples Of Great Teamwork

When we are faced with pressure or complexity, we must acknowledge that it is often the actions and skills of many, as opposed to those of one person, that make a complex procedure successful. Today’s complex tasks can no longer be left to a lone hero’s expertise; we need teams.

Leadership Journey : Nikola Tesla

Nikola Tesla was perhaps the greatest inventive mind America has ever known. Certainly, when it comes to the field of electricity, few have surpassed his boundless imagination. Even in the face of hardships that would defeat most other people, his creativity never waned.

Women face more obstacles than men in the workplace, and overcoming these obstacles isn’t as easy as just doing a better job. Rather, women need to be politically savvy by understanding workplace dynamics, and identifying the people who can help and support them in reaching their career goals.

So many of us set unrealistic goals for ourselves – goals we have no hope of ever achieving. Instead, take a look at what realistic changes would make a difference in your life. Once you have a realistic goal, break it into manageable tasks and make a small amount of progress every day toward making it happen. Getting your shit together doesn’t need to be difficult, you just need to be consistent.