All in Leadership

How To Bring In A Little Extra Cash On The Side.

Absolutely anyone can create and launch a successful part-time business. It doesn’t require much time, money or effort to start one, and it doesn’t mean quitting your day job. A side hustle is a great idea. It gives you an extra paycheck, but without the terrifying risks of being a self-employed entrepreneur.

How To Pivot Into A New Career

When seeking a career shift, begin by identifying your values, strengths and situation. If you then take small steps toward your goal and run experiments to test your way, pivoting can become not only manageable, but a way to keep your career exciting and dynamic. In today's job climate, pivoting provides you with the mentality you need to adapt to your surroundings, while fostering connections and opportunities.

Secrets of Great Leadership

These secrets are for anyone who currently leads or aspires to lead. It offers the best of the best and the tried-and-true insights from top leaders. If you are a seasoned successful leader, These secrets will serve as reminders and they will help you as you guide potential leaders to also be successful and willing to make a difference.

How To Master The Art of Public Speaking

There’s only one way to become an effective public speaker: practice, practice, practice. That said, there are techniques that’ll help you succeed. For starters, avoid monotony by effectively using emphasis, let your gestures emanate from sincere feeling, turn your audience into a crowd and improve your voice by attending to your cardiovascular health. Finally, test your arguments and the arguments of your opponents, and use imagery both to prepare for and to construct your speeches.

How To Make Yourself More Like-able As A Leader

To make yourself likeable, smile, listen and remember the names of others. People crave appreciation so shower them with it and talk about what’s important to them. Avoid arguments and never criticize others as this will not help you get your way. If you want someone to change, be lavish and generous with your praise, encouraging them for every bit of progress they make. Admit your own mistakes openly and only call attention to the mistakes of others indirectly.