All in Leadership

Leadership Journey: Mark Cuban

Mark Cuban is one of those guys who moved to Dallas, Texas for the sunshine and the women. But he is also one of those extraordinary characters who took a little and turned it into a lot. Specifically, he is the founder of MicroSolutions and, which he turned into multi-million dollar businesses, and also happens to be the owner of an NBA basketball team. Want to know how he did it?

How To Flip Your Mindset

As a new leader, make sure your mindchatter is constructive. Be perceptive, motivational, realistic and positive. Listen to the right mindchatter. Use your mindchatter to tell yourself, “You can do it in time,” or “You do have the power to learn about leading others,” and “You can be the boss everyone wants to work for.”

In order to coach someone successfully, you must be clear on where you are coaching him or her to. What are your expectations for this person’s performance and/or behavior? What are your short-term and long-term expectations for him or her? You need answers to these questions, but you need more than this — you also need to understand this individual’s expectations.

Power Of Teams: Examples Of Great Teamwork

When we are faced with pressure or complexity, we must acknowledge that it is often the actions and skills of many, as opposed to those of one person, that make a complex procedure successful. Today’s complex tasks can no longer be left to a lone hero’s expertise; we need teams.