Privacy Policy

Top Questions and Answers strives to provide a safe and secure experience to visitors to our Web Site. The only personally identifiable information that we collect is information that you voluntarily provide to us. Collection of personally identifiable information is necessary to subscribe to a Top Questions and Answers publication or service, participate in an on-line survey, request e-newsletter subscriptions and update account information. We use the personally identifiable information that you provide us to deliver products and services, maintain your account information and to personalize and enhance your visit to the Web Site by notifying you of products, services, and other information that we think may be of interest to you. The decision on whether to disclose personally identifiable information is up to you.

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We also make use of current cookie technology to help our subscribers and visitors move more efficiently through our site. A cookie is information that is sent by our Web site and stored on your computer’s hard drive or temporarily in your computer’s memory. When a subscriber or visitor signs onto our site, we pass cookies to that user’s computer. We also use cookies to store our subscribers’ names and passwords. Using your browser setting, you can set your computer to warn you each time a cookie is being sent, or you can elect to turn off all cookies. Please understand that if you turn off the cookies, you will not have access to certain features of the Web Site, and some of our Web Site services might not function properly.

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