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Strive For Balance and Take Care Of Yourself

Just like the juggler with too many balls in the air, the more things we have going on in our life, the more difficult it is to keep everything going without dropping the ball. As the pace of our lives accelerates, so does our need to stay in balance. It is simple daily practices that maintain our foundation.

Be Kind

Wayne Dyer once said, “It’s better to be kind than to be right.” Watch how everything improves when you are genuinely kind. Next time you’re given the opportunity to let someone merge into your lane while driving, don’t hesitate. You’ll feel better, they will be appreciative, and the positivity shared will inspire others to do the same. It doesn’t have to just be on the freeway—help someone out at the grocery store or hold the door when entering a building. Say hello to a stranger, make a donation to someone less fortunate, or pay a compliment to someone who looks like they could use one. Kindness is another form of beauty and an essential part of your foundation. Share it, spread it, and be it.

Leave Ten Minutes Early

How often do you find yourself rushing late to work or someplace else where you need to be? How does it make you feel? Stressed? Angry? Guilty? There’s a very simple technique you can use to eliminate all of those unwanted feelings that come from being rushed. Try leaving ten to fifteen minutes early. (Simple, right?) The author relates, “When I started leaving ten minutes early to go to work, I noticed the difference immediately. I arrived at work feeling much more peaceful and balanced. I was ready to start the day. Prior to leaving ten minutes early, I would be scrambling in to work, usually carrying a load of anxiety and stress. I would start those days feeling behind and definitely not in flow. Once I was in the habit of running early instead of running late, my stress and anxiety levels went down, and I was more ready for the day. Allow yourself that extra time; you will be glad you did. If you live in Los Angeles like me, better make it forty-five minutes!”

Attitude of Gratitude

Try and give thanks for all that comes your way, the good and the bad. You may ask, “Why would I want to give thanks for something bad that happened?” Well, we are here to learn and grow, and the greatest learning opportunities usually occur during trying experiences. Be thankful for them, and the new and hopefully wiser you who came out of a tough situation. The trying times will eventually pass, and you will be better prepared the next time they come around, or even better yet, you can help someone else going through a tough time with your experience. Take the challenge to write down five to ten things a day that you are grateful for every morning. Watch your spirit lift!

Take Care Of Yourself

Taking care of ourselves is probably the most crucial task that we are given, yet I don’t think enough people give it the importance that it deserves. If your health fails, it can outweigh everything else that’s going on in your life.

Drink More Water

Did you know that 60 percent of our bodies and 75 percent of our muscles are made up of water? Is it any wonder that a lot of people get headaches or feel fatigued when they are under-hydrated? Water not only provides us with invaluable sustenance, but it also helps flush out our system, which in turn allows our body to run more efficiently and provide us with more energy. Being adequately hydrated is well worth the trouble of having to make a couple of extra pit stops during the day.

Get More Sleep

According to Thomas Dekker, “sleep is the golden chain that ties health and our bodies together.” Are you getting enough sleep? Please don’t think that by taking another hour of sleep each night, out of the 24 hours we have available, that you will be less productive. It has been proven that those who are sleep deficient work more slowly and make more mistakes along the way. Getting more sleep will in turn give you more energy, make you more productive, and probably a much happier person.

Go Exercise

Need a little more energy throughout the day? Want to lose a few unwanted pounds? Want to think more clearly and be more productive? Go get some exercise. If you are just beginning, it could be as simple as going for a walk three days a week. Make whatever you do a habit. There are many ways to get some exercise that don’t require special knowledge or skills. For example, gardening, swimming, going to a park and throwing a Frisbee, and walking are just a few.

Eat Better Eat Less

If you are struggling for energy during the day and feel very sluggish after you eat, then you might not be making the best food choices for your body. Listen to your body; it will tell you what works for it and what doesn’t. What is good? Moderate intake and a balance of fruits, vegetables, grains, and poultry/ fish/nuts—clean and unprocessed foods. Eating better/eating less is an incredibly important part of keeping your foundation intact and solid.


Do you want to feel calmer, carry less stress, have more energy, and be more tapped into your intuition? Give meditation a try. Meditation gives our brain a rest from the busy life and schedule that most of us lead. When we are in the space of feeling balanced and rested, we are better able to pay attention and listen to our intuition, our highest form of intelligence. Why wouldn’t we want to tap into that?

Greatness is already within all of us. Sometimes we just need to peel away a few layers and do some inner housework to access it. Look within, be open to new ideas, and practice new habits. Remember to laugh along the way, pick yourself up when you fall down, and know that it’s a journey, not a destination.