What Is Perceptual Acuity?

Perceptual acuity is your human radar for seeing through the fog of uncertainty so you can act before others do. Only a small percentage of upcoming leaders look at their businesses from the outside in and peer over the horizon to pick up signals that could be harbingers of change

How To Become An Effective Strategist.

What separates winning strategies from losing ones? Ultimately, both set out to achieve the same goals, and yet their outcomes are vastly different. As it turns out, part of this difference lies in what we actually consider to be a strategy; in other words, losing strategies may not even be strategies at all!

Qualities Of Great Teams

Great Teams are driven to create a culture of greatness. Trendy offenses, tricky defenses or “hot products” often get the credit for success, but the truly amazing organizations don’t stay at the top of their marketplaces without building a team-first culture.

Answers to 25 Questions that Keep Change Leaders Up at Night

All change projects require you to move people from how they currently think and act to new ways of thinking and acting. The underlying rationale for change must be that it will lead to better performance, but this starting point is rarely enough for people to make them change. They are usually set in their ways and need to be constantly motivated and supported in order to take on new ways of working.